Evil and Malice * Mythology Research

* Ahriman (Angra Mainyu) - god of darkness, the zoroastrian satan. Ahriman fights Ahura Mazda (wize lord, god of light) Early Zoroastrians believed Ahriman was equal in strength to Ahura Mazda, creating the world together. Some say they are twins, fathered by Zurvan = 'boundless time'. Ahriman, not being creative, his evil creations always being a resonse to his brother's good creations. (Angel.14) Leader of the powers of evil. Conflicted with the leader of forces of good - Ahura Mazda (DM.11)
* Matuku - New Zealand - Maori evil fire god. (?.165)
* Set - Egyptian god of evil and darkness. He killed his brother Osiris (DM.234) Chaos, disorder, storm, violence, desert. tore self out of his mother NUT early. His father was Geb. Set killed his brother Osiris and took his throne. He personifies Evil. Seen as "composite creature" with 3 legs. Erect tail, gently curving snout, on head rose 2 squared off ear/horns. Skin white, hair red. Eacho month Set attacked and consumed the Moon. He preyed on souls of the deceased. Eventually, he went to live with the sun god. Traveled in the boat and killed Apopis when he attacked Ra. (ME.106)

* Asmodeus - Zoroastrian demon (DM.33)
* Empusae - monsters, taking various forms. Hecate sent them to frighten travelers. They were amorous but ended by eating their lovers. Among the Empusae were Lamiae. (DM.81)
* Jotuns - (Norse) Frost Giants who ruled before Aesir. Most were violent, wicked and hostile. Their home is Jotunheim (DM.147)
* Keres (Greek) - evil polluting spirits. At times identified with harpies or furies. (DM.149)
* Lamia - an evil spirit who kills children. She was queen of Libya, loved by Zeus. Jealous Hera killed her children, Lamia avenges herself by killing other children. She is thought to have a serpent form. (DM.153)
* Larvae - Roman name for evil spirits/ghosts. (was said that the larva of Emperor Caligula could be seen after his death) The word Larvae = "spectre" came to mean "mask", and then "disguised or masked insect" (DM.155)
* Vampires - spirits, sometimes souls of heretics (in Slavic myth) assume form of bat at night and sucks the blood of the living while they sleep. The victim often becomes a vampire too (DM.267)

Places, Geographical Elements
* Jotunheim - The realm of the Norse Frost Giants. (DM.147)

Symbols and Objects
* Cross (Inverted) - once the story of St. Peter's cross - is common now as a symbol of unholiness and for defying christ. (WDS.60)
* Horns (sound) - used to scare away evil spirits, like the sound of church bells. (WDS.139)
* Spheres - Along with the 7 heavenly spheres, there are 7 spheres under the earth, the "7 hells" "proceed from the ocean depths, from the hidden retreat" (WDS.13)
* Trident - because of its association with deep places of earth and falling as lightning from heaven, it is associated with the Christian devil Lucifer. (who fell from heaven as lightning) (see lightning) (WDS.109)

* Larva (see Larvae) - Also the name of the 'demon' who assisted Vampire Princess Miyu (japanimation series)

Mythology Research * Core Concepts