Fate * Mythology Research

* Atropos - one of the Greek Fates - she who cuts the threads (DM.96)
* Clotho - one of the Greek Fates - she spins the thread of life. Colors are red, black and white. (DM.59)
* Fates - Goddesses that determine the fate of man. - Greek Moerae, Teutonic Norns, Roman Fortunae, Medieval Parcae, weird sisters. (WDS.35,36) The fates were controllers of human destiny (carrying out the will of gods) See Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos. (DM.96)
* Fortuna - (Roman) She rules the fates of men. (see vortumna and fortunae/fates) (WDS.17)
* Fortunae (the Fates) - ruled the wheel of rebirth and transformations throughout time. wheel "kyklos geneseon" (WDS.17) The Roman goddess of luck (especialy of young married women) - pictured with wheel in the middle ages and renaissance. Symbol of the ceaseless rise and fall of felicity and misery. (DM.97)
* Lachesis - one of the Greek Fates - she who assigns the individual his lot in life/ or measures the thread. (DM.96)
* Vortumna - "She who turns the year" The Etruscan Goddess of the wheel. The romans changed her name to Fortuna. her wheel marked the seasons and the fates of men (WDS.17)

* Norns - the "fates" in Norse mythology. 3 old women, descended from giants, feed on Yggdrasil roots and plan the destinies of men.
--- Urd (past)
--- Verdani (present)
--- Skuld (future) (DM.187)
* Parcae (medieval/Italian) Fates. Old women present at every birth. (DM.96)
*Weird Sisters - Saxon trinity of the Wyrd. Originally just one being, then 3 (she who was, she who is, she who will be) Wyrd also meant "word" of the great Mother, her LAW. Can be compared to the later Christian Trinity. (WDS.43)

Objects and Symbols
* Dragoneye - in Babylonia, symbolized "mother of destinies" (WDS.35,36) (see inspiration)
*Treskelion - same symbol as fate, just one side of the triangles removed. (WDS.41)
*Triangles (3 together stretching out) - represented fate goddesses. In Scandinavia, this symbol is called the knot of vala "Valknut" representing a female spirit, valkyrie of a human mistress of magic knots. Also, suggests the number 9. 9 Morgons on fortunate isles (celtic) (WDS.35,36)
* Tripple Ring - Invokes the 3 fates. Rings are female forms. (WDS.41)
* Wheel -(Etruscans) Wheel goddess was "Vortumna" "she who turns the year". The romans changed her name to Fortuna. her wheel marked the seasons and the fates of men (WDS.17)
* Wheel - Fortuna was pictured with a wheel in the middle ages and renaissance. The wheel was a symbol of the ceaseless rise and fall of felicity and misery. (DM.97)
* Symbol for the Wierd Sisters. The symbol based on the kali Yantra. (WDS.43)
* Thread - usual symbol of fate - there was the spinner, the measurer, and the cutter of the threads of life. (WDS.158) also the 'weavers' of fate.
* Web - spider incarnation of the goddess of thread arts. Arachne (greek) created the web of fate, Spider woman/spinning woman - (Native Amer) - weaver of the web of fate. She wove the universe daily and unraveled the web every night. The world ends when she is finished. (WDS.162)
* World Triad wheel - Western Gnostics see as a sign of cosmic creativity and 3 fold nature of reality or fate. (Also cycles of time) In Japan = world soul. In Bhutan and Tibet , known as comsmic Mandala. It is a graphic image of eternity. (WDS.43)

Other Concepts
* Triad - (aside from the many symbols) - Also appeared as the Fairy godmothers, Hungarian Gypsies - (place 3 pieces of bread on intants bed to soften the temper of the 3 goddesses of fate. (WDS.35,36)
* 3 Strands of colors - Red, Black and white runs through every life as ordained by Fate. (also manifestation of tripple goddess Clotho) (DM.59)

Mythology Research * Core Concepts