Justice * Mythology Research

* Eye goddess - Sumerian - all seeing eye - truth and law. No crime could escape being seen. (same as Maat)
* Maat - see the Eye Goddess.
* Themis - goddess of order and justice. Daughter of Uranus and Gaea. She was the mother of seasons and the fates. (DM.252)

* Dice (or dike) - personification of Justice. Reported to Zeus the evil that men did. Sometimes called Astraea (a horae) (DM.72)
* Erinyes (see Eumenides)
* Eumenides = "The kindly Ones" - also the Erinyes = "The Angry Ones" or the furies - violence in pursuit and punishment. They function - avenging violations of natural order and gross inhumanity.
---* Alecto (the unresting)
---* Megaera (the jealous)
---* Tisiphone (the avenger)
They sprung from the blood of Uranus spilt on the earth. Sometimes seen as 'hideous old women with bloodshot eyes and snakes for hair' punishment included arousing frenzies of remorse and driving guilty men with fear by the sight of them. (DM.88)
* Furies (see Eumenides)

Symbols and Objects
* Throne - a symbol of Justice and Judgement and Truth. (WDS.107)

Mythology Research * Core Concepts