Love * Mythology Research

* Alalahe - Hawaiian goddess of love (sometimes "Laka") the shining one, the beloved. (DPOLY.7)
* Anteros - Represented mutual love, sometimes the avenger of love. Son of Aphrodite, brother of Eros and Himeros. (DM.22)
* Aphrodite - Greek goddess of love and affection. Not only sexual but of all impulses binding men in social communion. Roman counterpart Venus is more sexual. Aphrodite is the wife of Haphaestus, and the mother of Eros. (DM.24)
* Astarte - Phoenician goddess of love and fecundity. Is also associated with the moon (DM.33) (see moon)
* Cupid (roman) (see Eros)
* Eros - Greek god of love, son of Aphrodite (or Chaos, in earlier versions) - winged boy. Older versions Aros is a powerful, creative and cohesive force in men's lives. Later, Eros became more about sexual desire, and was cruel and imperious. (Roman Equivilent = Cupid) (DN.86)
* Freya - Norse goddess of love, beauty and fertility. Friday is named in her honor. (DM.98)
* Frigga - Norse goddess of married love. Sometimes confused with Freya. both wives of Odin. (DM.98)
* Hathor - Egyptian goddess of beauty, love, and marriage. Appeared at childbirth. Also a sky goddess and a mother goddess. (DM.117?)(check page?)
* Heimeros - Represented the longings of love. Son of Aphrodite, brother or Eros and Anteros. (DM.22)
* Ishtar - Babylonian goddess of love and fertility (DM.142)
* Venus (Roman) (see Aphrodite)

Symbols and Objects
* Dorje - Tantric buddhist scepter. Also northern india "vajra" at once, a jewel, thunderbolt, and phallus. The thunder bolt is the lightning god as fertilizer of Mother Earth's hidden depths. and the gems being solid drips of his divine semen'" also called a 'diamond holder' - the diamond represents the divine spirit sensed through sexual orgasm. Hence, the diamond is a symbol of royal power and power of love (WDS.22)
* love charm - (circle/pitshfork down) - female=right side up. male=upsidedown there is a union of male and female. (WDS.37)
* Ring - Egypt began idea that the 4th finger of a woman's hand is where the love vein is, extending it to the heart. (WDS.12)
* Wells - People used to visit wells to prey to nymphs for their heart's desire. (origin of wishing wells) Rituals around wells - sexual symbolism - church denounced holy wells with the term 'cunnus diaboli' (devilish cunt) (WDS.163)

Mythology Research * Core Concepts