Lust and Passion * Mythology Research

* Aphrodite - Greek goddess of love and affection. Not only sexual but of all impulses binding men in social communion. Roman counterpart Venus is more sexual. Aphrodite is the wife of Haphaestus, and the mother of Eros. (DM.24)
* Cybele - wife of Cronus, mother of Olympian gods - worshippers celebrated with wild orgies. The oak, pine and lion were sacred to her. Usually represented in a chariot drawn by lions/ Crown on her head, drum or cymbal in her hand. (DM.63)
* Dionysus - Greek Fertility god. Born from the thigh of Zeus. (the mother Semele died) Dionysus frees emotions, removes inhibitions. Female devotees came into a state of frenzy. From these wild dances grew 'drama'. (DM.73.74)
* Juno Roman goddess of marriage, home and childbirth. Consort of Jupiter. (DM.149) - the original time around Valentine's day was a sexual frenzied celebration of Juno - Men and women chose partners for erotic games (chosen by lovenotes/billets) (WDS.159)
* Pan - God of herds and flocks, and is playful, VIGOROUS and Fertile.(DM.202) (see animals)
* Venus - Roman counterpart to Aphrodite. Venus is more sexual. (DM.24)

* Centaurs - Known for lustful behavior - bibulous and aggressive. Upper part human, lower part horse. (DM.53)

Symbols and Objects
* Arrow - Eros (carnal love) Carried arrows as 'eyebeams carrying messages of love to pierce the heart of a beloved.' Traditional sign of sexual union. Phallic. (WDS.20) (see war, storm,power)
* Celtic Cross - - Hindu - sexual union (+ = phallic, o = yoni) Gypsies put the symbols on horses seperately to attract eachother. (WDS.46)
* Cestus - the girdle of Aphrodite - it gives the wearer irresistable charm.(DM.55)
* Dorje - Tantric buddhist scepter. Also northern india "vajra" at once, a jewel, thunderbolt, and phallus. The thunder bolt is the lightning god as fertilizer of Mother Earth's hidden depths. and the gems being solid drips of his divine semen'" also called a 'diamond holder' - the diamond represents the divine spirit sensed through sexual orgasm. Hence, the diamond is a symbol of royal power and power of love (WDS.22)
* Flower of Aphrodite - 6 vesicas - 6 points - 60% intervals. 6= sexual number, sacred to Aphrodite goddess, called the perfect number w/ pythagoreans, or called 'the mother' (this is why 6 is the # of sin to christians - the sexual connotation). Also found as pregnancy amulets in Arabia and North Africa. (WDS.68)
* Hair - (see horns)
* Horns and Hair on male heads is a common symbol of sexual energy associated with Bull, ram, stag and goat gods. (as well as Christianized forms of excessivly virile devils) (WDS.139) (see moon)
* Infinity sign (sideways 8) - clockwize (solar / male) and counterclockwize (lunar / female) circle - sexual union. 2 become one. equality. (WDS.10)
* Ring - celtic tradition - ring coming from the woman to man represents sexual ability. Putting the ring on = sexual intercourse. (WDS.2) (see love)
* Star (6 pointed, with lines inside/2 triangles) - Symbol of union with female and male. (WDS.69)(see fertility)

Other Concepts
* Valentine's Day see Juno

Mythology Research * Core Concepts