Prophesy * Mythology Research

* Apollo gave the gift of prophesy to Cassandra, but when denying his love, he decreed that no one would believe her. (DM.25)

* Cassandra - (see Apollo)
* Helenus - son of Priam. A seer - he prophesied the fall of Troy if the greeks accepted the help of Philoctetes. (DM.120)
* Phineus - a Greek seer that was blinded by the gods because he was too accurate. (DM.116) Aged blind king with prophetic powers. Most stories of how he got his blindness involved using/revealing his prophetic powers in a way that offended the gods. (DM.213,214)
* Sibyl - usually a prophetess, seen as an old woman. (DM.235)

Places, Geographical Elements
* Oracles - place where gods give councel or prophesy the future. Sometimes directly or through a priest/ess. (source?)

Plants and Minerals
* Laurel - a plant of divinity and prophesy. Chewed by Goddess's pristesses in the vale of Tempe. (WDS.466)

Symbols and Objects
* Tripod - at Delpi and other oracular centers, the tripod was the official seat of Pythoness and sisters-sybils. the 3 legs signified a connection between the priestess and the triadic spirit of prophesy. (WDS.42)

Mythology Research * Core Concepts