Sky * Mythology Research

* Hathor - Egyptian goddess of beauty, love and marriage. As a sky goddess, she wore the solar disk. (DM.117) (see life and love)
* Jupiter - supreme Roman deity. the sky god. Also god of rain and thunderbolts. (DM.148) (see storm)
* Nut - Egyptian goddess of the sky. (WDS.22) Seen as slim limbed girl - stretching her body, balanced on her fingers and toes over Geb (earth) her consort. could assume the form of a sacred cow. Swallowed the sun each evening and gave birth to it at dawn. In funerary symbolism, she provides sustenance for the dead (check source)
* Odin - All father, leader of the Aesir. (replaced Thor) - also called Woden, Wotan, Othin, ... and many more. Odin is a sky god. Wednesday was named in his honor. Inventor of runes, blind in one eye, as the price for aquiring all knowledge. his other eye is the sun. (DM.190)
* Uranus - The Sky. Son of Gaea. Rather to the titans, cyclops, and the 100 handed monsters. He put them in Tartarus and Cronus defeated/castrated his father Uranus and chained him in Tartarus. From his blood on Gaea sprung the Eumenides and the giants. (DM.264)
* Zeus - Sky god (DM.276,7) (see storm)

Symbols and Objects
* Cross (with bars on the ends) - ancient Mesopotamia - one of the symbols for sky god or sun god. (WDS.49) (see sun)

Mythology Research * Core Concepts