Dreams and Sleep * Mythology Research

* Hermes - Considered a god of dreams and sleep. (also many other things) (see wealth) (DM.124.125)
* Hypnos - (Greek) god of sleep. Son of Nyx (night) and brother of Thanatos (death). Father of Morpheus, Icelus and Phntasus (various bringers of dreams) seen as a winged youth. uses a branch to touch the heads of the sleepy, or pours soporafic liquid over them with a horn. (DM.134)
* Morpheus (Greek) son of Hypnos (DM.177)
* Somnus (Roman) god of sleep. son of night and brother of death. (DM.241)

Plants and Minerals
* Amethyst - symbol of temperance, peace, humility and piety. Greeks believed it promoted sobriety. ("amethustos" = not intoxicated) Also promotes wholesome dreams. (DSYMB.12) * Mugwort - said to bring divinational dreams if stuffed into a pillow. It is also said that drinking the tea could bring clairvoyant trances. (WDS.448)
* Poppy - (makes opium, morphine, heroin) is asociated with sleep, inertia, numbness, death. Demeter with poppies is a representation of a death goddess. Also, poppies associated with fertility (many seeds) and the poppy leaves have been used for divination. (WDS.433)

Sleep/Dreams POPCULTURE!
* COMIC/Book - Neil Gaiman's representation of Morpheus as the King of Dreams.

Mythology Research * Core Concepts