Sorrow or Misery * Mythology Research

* Angerona - Roman goddess of secret sorrow. Her rites were celebrated in the temple of Volupia, goddess of pleasure. She was represented with her mouth bound and sealed. (DM.21.22)

* Aëdon - (greek) in an attempt to kill one of the many children of her step sister due to envy, she accidently killed her one and only child. She begged Zeus to let her cease to be human, and was changed into a nightingale, forever voicing her sorrow. (DM.5)
* Deirdre - (celtic) Sometimes called "Deirdre of the Sorrows". Daughter of a bard at the court of Ulster. The king of Ulster wanted to marry her but she ran away with Naoise. Her lover and his brothers were killed and she died of grief. (DM.69)
* Niobe - (Greek) Mother of 6 sons. Her boasting got them killed by Leto's children. Niobe turned into a weeping fountain (or stone, depends on story) hence she is the personification of sorrow. (DM.186,7)

Places, Geographical Elements
* Acheron - the river or woe in the Greek underworld. It was crossed by souls of the dead if they had a proper burial. Charon (the ferryman) helped souls across. (in other stories, it was the river styx he helped people cross) (DM.2)
* Cocytus - (Greek) one of 5 underworld rivers - the river of lamentation. (DM.60)

Mythology Research * Core Concepts