Sounds and Music * Mythology Research

* Euterpe - muse of flute and Dionysiac music (DM.92)
* Polyhymnia - greek muse of sacred song. (DM.218)
* Kali spoke words of creation (see kali's creative words, in sounds)

* Sirens - the song of the sirens offered knowledge but brought only death. (DM.238,239)

* Kali's creative words / sounds in sanskrit (WDS.96)
* LA - the sound representing the element earth.
* MA - the sound that created the world and the universe.
* RA - the sound representing the element fire.
* VA - The sound representing the element water.
* YA - The sound representing the element air.
* Music of the spheres - produce 7 different tones. The lyre was said to have initiated the birth of the universe. The lyre was connected with the universe, its strings making the same 7 tones of the speres/planets (WDS.144)
* Om - supreme syllable, mother of all sound. - tool of creation for the great goddess. Created Sanskrit alphabetical letters. "matrika""mothers". om - mother of mantras - 1st of all creative spells spoken to bring the world into being. "creative word." - relate to word of God that created the world. (WDS.99)

Symbols and Objects
* lyre (see 'music of the spheres')
* lily of the valley - descrived as fairy bells (WDS.428)
* runes (Celtic or teutonic origin) - represented sounds/words. (WDS.152)

Mythology Research * Core Concepts