Lydia ~ Zyphryus

Online Zines
Cover for Dark Recesses Press , January 2008
"Churel" for Dark Recesses Press , 2007
"Brazos" for Strange Horizons, 2007

Private Commissions

Commission portrait for Walker

Live Commission done at Mid-Ohio Con

Commission for Dr. Twisted

Portrait of Carl Miske, 2003
Commissioned by The River Rats of Columbus Indiana, an organization dedicated to keeping the city beautiful. Often they would start their meetings by dedicating their time to a past Columbus resident who left an impression on the city, not through money, but through their personality and deeds. They decided to commission artists to paint large portraits of some of these figures. Every year for 4 years, they commissioned a new artist to do a new work. I did the final work, a portrait of Carl Miske, who had been the head of the River Rats.

Illustrations for the book "Ways" by Robert Burch, 2004


Crimson Lotus (from Finland) used my work on two CD's. Please visit their website! They have great music.
Crimson Lotus website

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