No words and no image can do justice to who we are. But this page is an attempt to show you part of who I am.

Lydia ~ Zyphryus

VISUAL ARTIST: The subject of my work stems from both life and imagination, fantasy, horror, dreams, humor and whim. The media varies across the board. Mostly painting and drawing, but I also work with sculpture, digital, photography, installation, text, etc etc. Im always open to trying something new.

Art Gallery

Visit myDeviant Art site as well. (a mix of everything, but it usually has my most recent work)

Contact me

ART MODEL: I enjoy collaborating with photographers to come up with some great scenarios and poses. Some are my ideas, and some are their ideas. And of course, I often model for my own art, as it is easy and affordable to use my own body. Modelling sessions have taken place in both the US and England.

Soon to come: Model Gallery!

Main Who Art Updates o.O